howdy, y'all ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผ

Come on in and have a sit. My blog recently turned one year old ๐ŸŽ‰ so I figured it was a good time to have a โ€œcoffee chatโ€ โ˜•๏ธ and share a few of our recent family photos. What a ride 2020 has been ๐ŸŽข Itโ€™s been a crazy year and one that none of us are likely to forget soon. ๐Ÿ˜… I donโ€™t know what 2021 will bring, but I know that my hope is in Jesus. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Here are some random facts about me: (1) I was a teen mom (2) I played piano with weekly lessons from age 5 to 16. I even did a few competitions, but now I hardly ever play ๐ŸŽน (3) I went to college on an academic scholarship but I was BROKE AS A JOKE and had to be on welfare to provide enough for me and my son until I graduated with my Masterโ€™s (4) I married my prince charming, Matt, when I was 32 years old (heโ€™s 2 years younger than me) ๐Ÿ† (5) I am an eternal optimist. ๐Ÿ˜ Canโ€™t help it. But I wasnโ€™t always this way. (6) My vice is sweet tea ๐Ÿฅค I very rarely drink coffee and if I do its decaf. (7) I went to Kazakhstan for 6 weeks as an exchange student in the fall 1995 ๐Ÿ•Œ what a life changing experience it was (8) I love getting to chat with people on instagram about construction, home design, home decor, and all the things. I just keep coming back for more! โ™ฅ๏ธ

I know that Jesus LIVES because I have experienced his mercy, his grace, his forgiveness, his love, and his miracles so many times in my life. I have been through the pits of hell on earth and Iโ€™ve walked some dark lonely paths. I got pregnant at 18, got divorced at age 19, raised my son as a single mom for 13 years, Iโ€™ve been broke and on welfare/food stamps, Iโ€™ve got dating horror stories, experienced a shattered heart, Iโ€™ve walked through gut-wrenching grief, unbelievable betrayalโ€ฆ and those are just the experiences Iโ€™m comfortable sharing online ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜… But really, itโ€™s been a long, hard journey but God has made a way for me and he has built so much beauty out of the ashes of my past. I have made so many messes and mistakes but He loved me even at my worst. In my twenties I really strayed from my morals and my faith so many times but God always brought me back. And I am so thankful for that kind of love. In my thirties I have REALLY been driven to my knees and learned how much power there is in prayer and worship. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’’โ™ฅ๏ธ

In 2014, my life was forever changed when I started dating Matt. He is the most honorable, dependable, moral, safe, stable, kind, protective man and I am so lucky to be his. He is just a saint and although he is not perfect he has the most pure heart and his friendship is so much more than I deserve. He is always a voice of reason and wisdom when I need it most. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Hereโ€™s some random facts about Matt: (1) he graduated from the Air Force Academy in Colorado and now has a Masterโ€™s degree (2) he has wayyyyy better vision than me because he had corrective surgery (3) He is meticulous and finds his peace in having order, organization, and cleanliness (4) He is a beacon of morality and goodness (5) He hates spending money on anything, but especially himself. He loves to save. (6) He was a standout football ๐Ÿˆand basketball ๐Ÿ€ player throughout his middle and high school years (7) He loves being outside any chance he can get and he has a weird obsession with our lawn/grass. โ›ณ๏ธ๐ŸŒฑ

I hope that if you are feeling anxious, lonely, sad, hopeless, etc that you find solace in prayer and giving it all to God. He is the creator of all and we are all his children. He loves you and he wants to be your Savior. Nothing can separate you from the love of our Heavenly Father. This world is crazy but thereโ€™s hope in Jesus ๐Ÿค—โ™ฅ๏ธ

hereโ€™s a prayer I wrote for us today:

Dear Lord, thank you for giving us another day. Thank you for all of my provisions. Thank you for my job, my spouse, my kids, my family and friends. Lord I ask you today to give me peace that only you can. Heal my heart, Lord, and help me to forgive those who have failed me. Please protect me today in whatever I do. Lord please heal our land. Please give us love for each other instead of unkind words. Please mend our broken hearts. We ask that you protect babies and innocent children from the harshness of this world. Dear Lord you are the way maker and miracle worker and I cast all my cares onto you. Please forgive me of my sins and make me more like you.
In Jesus name, Amen โ™ฅ๏ธ

THANK YOU so much for being here! It is such an honor for me to get to share our home projects, gorgeous inspirational designs, and talk about all the tips/tricks/trends in home building. You can find me on Instagram @summer_onthecoast or CLICK HERE

Much love and many thanks,


Christmas Cozies


Lighting 201: Our Coastal Farmhouse Basics